Betting Expert Makes £20,481.50 In 6 Months Using Global Racing System that Finds Consistent Daily Winners!!
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Huge Profits as High as £7475.50 a Month!!
Works on Any Race in the World - Including USA, Australia & Hong Kong
Wins | Tips | Strike Rate | Profit |
79 | 241 | 32.78% | £7475.50 |
54 | 197 | 27.41% | -£511 |
61 | 202 | 30.20% | £5873 |
47 | 166 | 28.31% | £1463 |
57 | 187 | 30.48% | £2108 |
80 | 255 | 31.37% | £4073 |
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From: Steve G
I'll cut right to the chase. I'm sure like me your fed up with all the useless rehashed good for nothing
"Betting Systems" out there that seem to get more ridiculous by the day, you know those systems that:
I should know I have bought stacks and stacks of Betting Ebooks, Software, Tipster Subscriptions, and I can tell you right now 99% of them are pure Bulls**t. I wasted £1000s on betting products, and it was all money down the drain...
and yet I still kept the faith searching for the "Holy Grail", excited at the prospect of learning a new trick to increase my betting bank, but when I crack open the latest Betting Ebook I'm left bitterly disappointed, in fact downright angry with what I've been sold.
I mean, is it so hard for just one betting system author to tell you the TRUTH? To give you the real insider info, you know exists??
I mean there must be SOMEONE genuine out there who is going to share some REAL quality info with you, someone who will pass on their knowledge so you too can take a share in the profits?
Well I'm sorry to say that no one who has genuine insider information is EVER going to spill the beans to me or you, why would they? They are making stacks of cash themselves and they don't give a damn about the rest of us making a few quid.
So how do we get our hands on the real secrets, the info that will actually make us money? We all know full well you can make huge profits from betting, but the people who know the secrets are keeping quiet, while the scam artists feed us lies, they claim are the "real thing".
Well just give me a few minutes of your time and I PROMISE you'll discover:
You see, the secret of making a profit from betting is VERY simple.
Now I know this may seem like a pipedream, you probably think you need to do hours & hours of boring research into stats and form, to analyse all your bets for hours and keep diligent records, or that you need a massive betting bank to clear any kind of decent profit.
Let's just be clear that with Midas World Racing...
In my decades of professional betting I've seen some very complex betting ebooks, and this in my mind is no good for you, why would you want to turn your betting into hard work? The best way I find when betting is to let others do the hard work for you.
Work SMART, Not Hard
With the Midas World Racing formula all the painstaking hard work has been done for you. This is the ultimate "Cheats" way of betting. Its so EASY you will be laughing to yourself as you sit back in your chair and watch the profits come in bet after bet, with nothing anyone can do to stop you.
Now just in case you're worried, let me just assure you this is 100% COMPLETELY LEGAL.
It doesn't matter where you live in the world you can use this trick anywhere, not just Betfair, any bookmaker will work worldwide even in the USA.
When you get your hands on my formula, you will see Its so simple, anyone can use it. It doesn't matter if you've never placed a bet in your life, this is a basic principle that anyone with a spare 15-30 minutes can do.
Download the Midas World System & Value World System. We provide 2 systems in either PDF or Word document format. simply download these systems to your computer or smartphone.
Find Selections & Place Bets. Use our unique formula to find selections each day and place your bets on any bookmaker.
Cash Out. Check results and cash out your winnings!
Why YOU Need Midas World Racing
You may wonder why in the past, some bets you've placed have lost, despite being almost guaranteed winners?? Well the reality is that the bookmakers odds don't reflect the true chances of most betting events real outcomes.
With the Midas World Racing System you will learn how to see what the real winnings bets are likely to be, and how to avoid the 20% of so called "favourites" that are almost certain to lose.
In betting, and in particular Horse Racing there is a lot that goes on behind the scenes, so while you are placing your bets, thinking you have a good as chance as anyone, the professional bettors with their inside connections are one step ahead of you.
Now for the average bettor, this really SUCKS. Why should this elite 1% get access to secret info, while the rest of us scrabble around barely making a profit on our bets??
Well, its time for a change and now YOU too can get your hands on a betting system that will put you up there with the best betting experts, that will provide you with effortless wins and will give you such a buzz you'll be ecstatic.
This is Exactly What You Get
Midas World Racing System
Lucrative high strike rate system that helps you follow the money and cash out on popular horses.
Value World Racing System
Additional system to teach you how to find the horses of value and beat the bookies odds and make huge profits.
Works on Any Race
Whether you bet on USA, Australian, Hong Kong or Japan races this method works. Perfect while UK/IRE racing suspended.
Low Start up Costs
Start with just £5 and make HUGE profits.
Bet Anywhere
Works on Computer, ipad or Smartphone. Bet on the go or from the comfort of your own home.
Great Support
30 Day Money Back Guarantee and we are only an email away whenever you need help with your bets.
Check out the Feedback from our Previous Members:
Your product is excellent and worth considerably more than I paid for it. Following your advice I back 7 or 8 selections a week which has given me nearly 59% winners and 87% placed at amazing prices considering the high strike rate. I love your work, and I am looking forward to any stuff you do in the future.
Kev Loundes
Everything going along hunky dory, bank getting bigger, gone from £1800 to £6700
L Ryan
Wow, got home from work and checked the results and up £200 for the day! ...not a bad 5 minutes work.
T Clarke
I was in profit the first day of joining and haven't looked back since! What a great feeling! I am so excited!
Miss D Richards
Miss D Richards
Want More Proof?
There have been 100s of success stories from my members over the years. This is what motivates me to give YOU the best possible horse racing information.
Check out what my past members said about my previous betting products...
If by now you're not completely convinced of the incredible power behind the Midas World Racing system then let me make your decision easier with my 100% "no questions asked" guarantee:
30 Day Refund Guarantee
You are fully protected by our 100% Refund Guarantee. If you are unhappy for whatever reason with Midas World Racing in the first 30 days of purchase, just let us know and we'll send you a full no questions asked refund.
Steve G
How Much to Access this Groundbreaking System?
The price of this groundbreaking system has previously been £49.
I understand that times are tough and not everyone has that sort of money however much they wish to profit from the system
So here's what I've organized…
I've reduced the price substantially to allow almost anyone to experience the potency of Midas World Racing. But this isn't going to be available for long…
You've seen the earth-shattering results this system is capable of bringing in and you've seen what our clients are saying about it…
It's now time for you to make a decision.
From just £49 £19 you can gain 100% unrestricted and immediate access to Midas World Racing System
To save you even more money I have also put together a package of the system and my highly successful Value Tips via email which has generated £30,509 to date Results Here. This gives you coverage of tips for 1 year as well as the Midas World Racing system.
This will give you everything you need for a one-off fee and it's well worth taking this incredible mega deal.
It's easy to get started and you'll have instant access to the entire system in a matter of minutes. If you really want to step up your game then you need to Choose your option below from our below Packages...
Midas World Racing System
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Midas Mega Deal
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